Thursday, January 18, 2007


Remember that Don Johnson song? What a crazy time the 80's were...a TV star could be a singers are all becoming film stars. Crazy!

So Mom packed up the kids and took them down to Presby Dallas so Brooke could visit with the Cardiologist. They had told us a couple of months ago during the NICU discharge that Brooke still had a PDA. The latest exam still shows that the PDA is open. It is small enough that they are not planning on doing anything immediately but will follow it closely over the next year or so. If it is still open then they can do 1 of 2 different procedures to close it. Both would require surgery with Dr's messing with our little girl's ticker!

We will get an official "Chunky Update" next week when the girls go back to the Pediatrician...but I can tell you now that both of them are 10 pounders! They have packed on the beef sucking down that high-calorie formula and Mom's milk. Hopefully we can change to "regular baby" formula this next week. "Preemie" baby formula is twice as much $.

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