Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ooops, I Did it Again...

There isn't a lot of it...but my girls have more hair than that Brittney Spears freak! Seriously, I am still waiting for the sound of the empty shell that was her career to hit my ears as it goes whizzing south quicker than the speed of sound!

Chicks loungin'! Those shirts are the same size...so why does one look like a bodysuit?

"Wake me when it's time torment Dad. A girl needs to slow her metabolism down with sleep in order to maintain this 'Buddha belly!'"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Girls are so cute. Anissa and Aubre can't wait to get their hands on them. I am glad to see that ya'll are doing so good. We know it will still be awhile but know we are thinking about you!
Melissa and the kids