Friday, July 06, 2007

I Go Swimming...

I know it is very Jr. High of me...but I get all embarrassed by the word cleavage! I am still deciding if these are under-sized bathing suits or over-sized children. Something wasn't right.

Brooke getting ready for a spin around the pool. She was never certain about all this. The water was too cold and she didn't much like the sensation of floating. I guess memories of being pinned up against mom's belly in the womb by her "Much" bigger sister were coming to the service of her subconscious!

Brooke on her cruise ship. She kind of had the "Clint Eastwood" stare while in the water. Neither happy nor sad, just straight out flat faced. Then of course she balled when she had had enough.

Allie has some grip. Look as Dad's left arm!? She was never certain that Dad wasn't going to dunk her! Which, mark it here, will happen later in their lives.

Allie after her traumatic experience. Maybe we will try it when it gets warmer. All this rain in Texas is really putting a hamper on my babies becoming "water babies."

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