Thursday, October 05, 2006


"You wanted the best, you got the best! The Greatest girls in the land...Twins!!"
So we found out what was ailing Allie. She has an Enterobacter Cloacae. It is an infection that is nosocomial. Nosocomial infections are those that originate or occur in a hospital or hospital-like setting. So the place she is using to get well was also getting her sick. Crazy!! She is feeling 100% better today. She received another dose of someone else's blood which still makes Dad a little queasy. She will get 3 different antibiotics for the next 8 days.
The picture above is Mom holding Allie and Brooke for the first time together since the left the soggy confines of the womb. Brooke is on Mom's right and Allie is on her left. Both girls loved it and squeak talked to one another. They also have a competition to see who can destat (dropping oxygen saturation to low which sounds an alarm) on their monitors the most when being held.
Brooke began her nuzzling exercises today, which is the P.C. way of saying "finding the teat!" Cattle ranchers out there feel me!? Allie was put back on feedings today to see if her stomach can handle real food. If so, she will be waned off the fluids and given more and more milk each day.


Anonymous said...

Is the quote from Twins the movie?


Mom N' Dad said...

Nope. Think less Danny DeVito and more Gene Simmons...