Monday, October 16, 2006

Maids a Milkin...and Rub a Dub-Dub...

Mom N' Dad went to the bi-weekly TLC meeting tonight. It is a time where NICU parents can get together and talk about our challenges and praises. And there is free food! Free is good. We are about to be REAL poor! Tonight's topic was feeding. A lot of information. What did Dad get out of it? That breastfeeding 2 babies will suck! Literally and figuratively! Both Mom N' Dad, mostly Mom...thank goodness...are on board with with the free food supply that God so graciously gave her. Free vs. $$ for formula. Give me free. From the looks of the bottles after a pump session, Mom was built to feed twins.
Anyways, on to bathtime:
After the Bath: What a Sweetheart, just like the shirt says!

Brooke's Tub! What a cush life. Can I get a piece of the free bath action?

Allie is very jealous! She doesn't get a tub bath until her Broviac comes out...tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

That is too funny. I remember those times. And free food is always great. Here is a thought: whatever milk isn't used up right away, store in the freezer in the Gerber bags made just for that purpose. We did that with Natalie. At first, I had a ton of milk and we stored a lot due to she didn't take in a whole lot. But, as time went on, she drank more and I made less. In the end, we had an entire freezer of nothing but breast milk! It was great. Once I stopped actually pumping (and if you don't have an electric one, it is a MUST have), and we just used up the milk in the freezer, Natalie had about 3 months of milk ready to go.
Now, with two, there won't be that much, but every little bit helps. Especially when you make a lot in the beginning and they don't take that much in.
Just a tip!

Mom N' Dad said...

Yup, they drink it down as fast as it comes out. Freezer empties out every two days. Good tip on the electric pump, we left the hospial with a Medela HG in tow when we had to leave the babies.

Anonymous said...

The electric one is a MUST. The money you spend on it is well worth it. Plus, you produce more and your hand isn't tired, and you can pump both at the same time. Now I will warn you that takes some coordination, but it can be done!