Sunday, September 17, 2006

Marsupials in the NICU...

Ever heard of a Kangaroo. Quit interesting, let me tell you. Mom N' Dad got to hold our girls today for almost two hours a piece. Dad got Brooke and Mom had Allie (her first time). You get a curtain pulled around and you take your shirt off and climb into a recliner. The NICU nurse then laughs a bit at your belly and hairiness of you chest and then places your child on you. Skin to skin contact. Supposed to be the best thing a Preemie can have done to them in the NICU. The bond between parent and child. The matching heart rate, Parents body heat keeping children warm. Awesome! Brooke squeaked a ton and tugged my hair then fell asleep. I held her for 2 hours. Mom held Allie for an hour then she had to get placed back in her isolette to get some more Bilirubin phototherapy .

What a great weekend...I pray there are more days like this weekend ahead...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chad and Brandy:
Your little ones are gorgeous and I can't wait to hear that you get to take them home with you. I am so happy that you got to hold them. Chad you will become a pro at diaper changes! Chris and I pray each day for you all.
God Bless!